Polygon Art

Basic Computer

Topic: Polygon art

As part of the final assignment for semester one, I decided to do polygon art.

Resources I've gathered from web:


Step 1: Arrange the formation of the image. Clean the background and such.

Step 2: Change the original image settings to template. 

Step 3: Use pen tool to create polygons/triangles of the shape.

Step 4; Make sure the shape is connected before using a shape builder tool to
separate other lines.

Step 5: Select the shape and then eyedrop the nearby colour on top of it.

Step 6: This should how it looks like afterwards.

Step 7: Rinse and repeat and fill in the gaps.

Step 8: ctrl y to show the full result.

Step 9: Save the image and then switcch it to photoshop.

Step 10: Place on a desired or wanted texture.

Step 11: Select a fitting filter and clean out the outlines.

Step 12: This should be the result of the erasing of unwanted images outside.

Step 13: Refilter. You can also edit some opacity in.

Step 14: Rinse and repeat with the previous ones of the desired textures.

All results in progress

Before                                 Polygons                           Final result


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